OOHS New tardy rule could be a huge issue

I think the tardy rule should be changed, Here's why

In Ms Asher's wave of “cracking down” on the problems in the high school one of the problems she's gone after is people being tardy to school and classes and this could be a huge problem for the future.

Heres the Problem

The one good thing about the tardy rules is actually its greatest weakness. It doesn't discriminate. If you get 3 tardies in the quarter, you're out no matter who or why, which is good. However, not everyone is in the same situation. Many people may have trouble getting to school for one reason or another: mental health, home life. I mean, you could be punishing a kid because he's feeding his dying grandma every morning. I get that's an extreme example, but I mean, think about it: most of the time, people have a pretty decent reason for being late. It's not just that they were lazy and didn't want to get to school. The people that genuinely have problems being on time normally don't stop at 3 tardies.

They water down punishments

Nowadays, 99% of people you see in detention are there because of tardies, and the teachers know it. Getting detention is becoming normalized and not that big of a deal. That's a very bad thing. When detentions become watered down, people are going to stop listening because, I mean, what are they gonna get, a detention? Who cares? So if detentions stop working, administrators are going to have to ramp up punishments. Instead of getting detention, you will start getting Wednesday schools and so on and so forth, until the entire student body is getting suspended left and right when the punishments stop working.

Summed Up

Detentions, yes, one of the most minor punishments, are still a punishment, and punishing people for something that very well could be an honest mistake is a recipe for disaster in a class of this size. Hundreds of people every month are in detention for being late to school; it's not just a few people here and there. Maybe it is working, and tardies are down, but that's the problem. All Asher cares about are her numbers, and this rule could have way worse effects on the school in the long term, and I think we should fix it before it's too late.



Anonymous community submition.