OLSD Free Press - "Fact checkers say this article might be misleading" Read with caution

April 8th, 2024 SOLAR ECLIPSE what you need to know

OLSD Free Press - "Fact checkers say this article might be misleading" Read with caution

As most of you readers may already know, there is going to be a solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th 2024, at roughly 3 O’clock.

Since the total eclipse path is right over Delaware county, traffic will be ridiculous. People from different states are predicted to flood into areas where the eclipse will pass. This will indefinitely cause roads to be blocked and/or closed.


There are two kinds of eclipses, lunar and solar. During a lunar eclipse, the moon is hidden from the sun behind the earth. This creates the famous “Blood Moon”. A solar eclipse however, the moon blocks out the sun in certain parts of the world. Unlike a lunar eclipse, the whole planet doesn't go dark since the earth is much larger than the moon. The few parts of the earth that do experience this total darkness are areas known as “Eclipse paths”. These are paths where the eclipse is actually visible. The closer one is to the Total Eclipse Path, the darker everything becomes since more of the sun seems to be blocked out.


Some ask “Why can an eclipse blind you?” Well, staring at the sun alone can blind you, but even squinting while a concentrated beam of light is directly shined at you, will instantly blind you. This happens the moment the moon covers the sun, once the moon almost finishes covering the sun, the last bit of light shines through, causing a flash strong enough to blind someone. The same can happen after the moon stops. Remember when someone turned the bright lights on in your classroom after you’ve been in the dark for a while? It’s just like that but on a MUCH larger scale. So make sure to get ACTUAL Solar Eclipse Glasses. And most of all, try NOT to burn your eyes out.


By now, some of you readers who have some kind of social media have heard things about christian beliefs. And what Christians believe might happen during the eclipse. According to the Bible, the total eclipse path will go directly over several cities. Christians call these The Cities Of Nineveh. According to the Bible, The City of Nineveh bore witness to God's wrath due to its “Wickedness”. Some Christians go as far as to say that the apocalypse will begin during the eclipse. The reason for this belief is because of the last solar eclipse that passed over America in 2017. After lining the path from 2017 and the one arriving in 2024, the marking of an X forms right over Paducah, Kentucky. While some Christians believe “The end is near”, others just think of it as a coincidence, but what do you think?



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